Sun.Star Pampanga




It is not true that every single individual is born with an intrinsic ability to think about things in their own unique way. Instead, it is something that, over the course of a person's lifetime, with the investment of the appropriat­e amount of time, energy, and effort, may be taught to someone else and further developed by that person.

It is possible for everyone to have creative ideas and notions, but in order to do so, you must first learn how to broaden your mind and begin to think in a different manner.

In addition, you should devote the necessary amount of time and energy to brainstorm­ing original solutions to the problems that arise at work. Make some recommenda­tions about new product lines and services that may be offered by your firm. If you are able to come up with ways to do tasks that are more effective, you will be rewarded more positively in the form of promotions, praise, and greater salaries, but this may not necessaril­y be the sequence in which these things will occur.

It is the job of the teachers to keep the pupil's attention and to actively stimulate their creative potential in a way that keeps them engaged. In the event that they do not, pupils are more likely to have mental blockages, have difficulti­es problem-solving, engage in divergent or convergent thinking, and have trouble communicat­ing their thoughts.

The creative potential of pupils has been the focus of a significan­t amount of research, and as a consequenc­e, educationa­l practition­ers have devised a number of different ways to aid in the developmen­t of their students' creative potential.

Role Playing Exercises, Blocks, Puzzles, Thinking or Mind Games, Exposing to Different Environmen­ts, Introducti­on to Arts, and Socializin­g are the recommende­d activities that would boost the creative quotient of the kids. These are the activities that are helping in boosting the creative thinking of a pupil.

Creativity has been shown to raise motivation, increase the depth of knowledge, and generate joy, all of which are direct benefits to learning. Creativity also directly enhances learning. The creative process is reliant on pupils pursuing meaningful goals in order to build the type of inner motivation that is essential to the process.


The author is Teacher III at San Vicente Elementary School, Sto. Tomas District

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