Sun.Star Pampanga




/ife has never been usual for us all for more than two years now. The pandemic sur prised us. ,n fact, it strucN us with what we least e[pect to happen. The happenings at present tells us one Truth about /ife. $nd that is, /,)( is filled with uncertaint­ies. :e really never Nnow what life will offer us.

There are few things more liberating in this life than having your worst fear reali]ed. , tell you that whether you fear it or not, disappoint­ment will come. The beauty is that through disappoint­ment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originalit­y. )or it is through these disappoint­ments that we re start anew, that new dreams are planned :hat is best to do is, :orN hard, be Nind, and ama]ing things will happen.

$s we are bacN to the usual days yet seemingly not that usual ones, deal with your e[citement and your doubts today, urge to try and create the world you want to live in. 1ever, never Tuit. 'on¶t be a slave of uncertaint­ies.

&hange is one thing certain and constant.

$midst unwanted happenings in life, we must see through and looN beyond what is uncertain. 5ealities tell us that there is nothing more to worry about, in as long as we Neep our eyes open wide with possibilit­ies ahead of us. :hile it is true that /ife gets more tough and harder, and while there will be more uncertaint­ies we would meet, there is nothing less we can do but be resilient and remain positive. $fter all, we only pass through this life once, and so we must maNe the best things out of it. $s how 3hilosophe­r Heraclitus put it, nothing ever is, everything is becoming.

The author is Teacher


,, at 6an &arlos 6an /uis, 1ational High 6chool

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