Sun.Star Pampanga

Parking of funds


It is to be expected that the devil would employ every means to distract the world from the biblical signs of the times which, in mainstream media, are not given as much prominence as news about mundane human affairs. It’s because such signs are meant to convert people towards healthy spirituali­ty.

But then, the “signs” are becoming more widespread and prominent, as reflected in the following quote:

“As Europe heads into winter in the throes of an energy crisis, offices are getting chillier. Statues and historic buildings are going dark. Bakers who can’t afford to heat their ovens are talking about giving up, while fruit and vegetable growers face letting greenhouse­s stand idle.

“In poorer eastern Europe, people are stocking up on firewood, while in wealthier Germany, the wait for an energysavi­ng heat pump can take half a year. And businesses don’t know how much more they can cut back.

“‘We can’t turn off the lights and make our guests sit in the dark,’said Richard Kovacs, business developmen­t manager for Hungarian burger chain Zing Burger. The restaurant­s already run the grills no more than necessary and use motion detectors to turn off lights in storage, with some stores facing a 750% increase in electricit­y bills since the beginning of the year.” (End of quote.)

Now, this quote is not from any of the Catholic mystics I cite frequently. It’s a story from the Associated Press last week. And it’s not a typical annual winter story in the West. It’s not just winter. It’s also seriously dire economics showing more slip not only in wintry countries, but worldwide as the war in the Balkans threatens to spread.

Mystics, even Protestant pastors and Muslim imams, are in chorus about our times: we are in an apocalytic era. It will not be an in a one-fell-swoop phenomenon, but a series of events to roll over “long years” (so said the Blessed Mother in some of her messages to the mytics).

Despite this, majority of Covid 19 survivors (which is almost the entire humanity) are in a rush more to bridge their lives directly to pre-pandemic course, so as to go on with their perceived “normal ” or, if need be, at least a “new normal” as pushed by the world’s elites with links to the World Economic Forum (but this is another story worth a separate piece).

The urgency of our times is such that the Blessed Mother is now calling on the faithful, not just priests, to go to the streets and preach. This appeal was in her message to Gisella Cardia on Sept. 27, 2022 as follows:

“My sweet children, thank you for having responded to my call in your hearts and thank you for having bent your knees in prayer. My children, many are my tears for those who do not understand, do not believe, who blaspheme and do not conver t .

“As Mother, I want to save all my children. My Jesus is bestowing many graces, but often you are more attracted by the things of the world that invite you to perdition, and you do not notice the good things that you have every day.

ANOTHER corrupt practice of government agencies has been brought to light by Senator Alan Peter Cayetano and he urged the authoritie­s to look into the malpractic­e of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) of "parking" funds for future retrieval in favor of "conceding" contractor­s.

Sen. Cayetano hinted at the existence of syndicates behind the illegal realignmen­t of billions of pesos in funds in one of the largest department­s for next year.

This practice has been going on for years and only favored contractor­s get big ticket contracts from the government in exchange for fat commission­s from "referring" congressme­n and DPWH insiders.

He said what is most alarming is the possibilit­y that the fund manipulati­on is happening at the source, meaning the DPWH budget even before it is submitted to Congr ess.

He admitted that the manipulati­on named parking of funds has been a long-standing problem of government.

If this anomaly exists in the DPWH, it may also be thriving in the other agencies of the national government.

Even the Office of the Vice President is not spared the embarrassm­ent with its provision in the 2023 budget of a 500 million confidenti­al fund. Of course, opposition lawmakers raised a howl over its passage, saying past occupants of the OVP did not ask for such huge allocation for a dubious expenditur­e.

As a follow-through perhaps to my suggestion that the Procuremen­t Service of the Department of Budget and Management, Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez, chairman of the House committee on constituti­onal amendments, filed a bill that would shut down the PS-DBM which has been hounded by allegation­s of improper procedures and overpriced acquisitio­ns. Dapat lang.

This unit of DBM is perhaps the ultimate source of corruption and is manned by the heaviest of corruptors. Need to say more? The recent acquisitio­ns of PPEs and other medical supplies proved the allegation­s of wrongdoing.

There are other department­s in the national government which may be engaged in anomalous practices. Only time will tell when these can be exposed to the public scrutiny.

Sadly, pride and arrogance accompany you. My children, teach your children the recitation of the Holy Rosary.

“My children, I ask you to go through the world’s streets to proclaim the Gospel: tell everyone that Jesus will soon return and that you must be prepared. I now bless you in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen.” (End of quote.)

Among the prophecies that seems to be immediatel­y at hand is the “darkness” to shroud the Catholic Church. News on what’s happening at the Vatican, with Pope Francis and his Synod of Synodality, among others, now manifest this.

Thus, on Aug. 30, 2022, the Blessed Mother told mystic Pedro Regis:

“Dear children, your victory is in the Lord. Do not turn away from Him. You are heading towards a future of thick spiritual darkness. Lack of love for the truth will cause the spiritual death of many of my poor children.

“Many consecrate­d people will walk against the truth, and the pain will be great for the righteous. The enemies are planning actions that will cause many who are fervent in faith to become indifferen­t.

“Whatever happens, stay with Jesus and do not stray from the teachings of the true Magisteriu­m of His Church. Give me your hands and I will lead you to victory. Do not forget: in everything, God first. This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.”

Also on Sept. 1, 2022, Our Blessed Mother told Pedro:

“Dear children, humanity is heading toward the spiritual abyss and few will remain firm in the faith. In God there is no half-truth. Bend your knees in prayer, for only in this way can you bear the weight of the trials to come. Be honest in your actions.

“Heaven is only for the righteous. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Listen to me. This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.”

And them on Sept. 3, 2022, Pedro quoted the Blessed Mother as having said:

“Dear children, I love you as you are and I ask you to seek everywhere to witness to my Son Jesus. Humanity has turned away from the Creator and my poor children are walking like the blind leading the blind. “Turn to Jesus and embrace the light of truth. Do not turn away from prayer. When you are away, you become a target of the Devil. You are the Lord’s, and you must follow and serve Him alone. “You are living in the time of the great spiritual battle. Confession, Eucharist, the Holy Rosary, Holy Scripture, and faithfulne­ss to the true Magisteriu­m of the Church: these are the weapons for the great battle. “You are heading toward a future of great trials. Those who love the truth will be persecuted and brought before the courts. You will yet see horrors on earth. Do not retreat.

“Whatever happens, stay with Jesus. Remember: in God there is no half-truth. Go forward on the path that I have pointed out to you! I will pray to My Jesus for you. This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.”

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