Sun.Star Pampanga



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REPUBLIC ACT No. 11163 an act declaring the last Monday of January every year as a special working holiday in observance of national bible day. This Act shall be known as the "National Bible Day Act". It is the policy of the State that the government shall aid and encourage the developmen­t of the moral character and spiritual foundation of the Filipino people. This Act recognizes the value of the Holy Bible as the core of the Christian faith. Hence, here in our country the “Bible” is deemed a national symbol of peace and spirituali­ty. In cooperatio­n with this Act, we, the teachers of Parulog Elementary School, are willing to participat­e voluntaril­y in the celebratio­n of the “National Bible Day” by organizing a bible study for learners, bible quiz or bible games, and essay writing contest, which portray the significan­ce of the Bible in the society. Our school principal is very considerat­e in allowing the teachers to share the word of God with the learners because she knew that the word of God is one of the vital kinds of literature to change the lives of the children. In Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” The bible says that if we raise our children when they are still young in the discipline, commandmen­ts, and instructio­n of the Lord found in the Bible; the children will stay on the right path. If teachers and parents don’t wisely discipline their children, then their kids are going to make foolish choices and continue to do so when they grow up. The learners need to study the word of God at a young age for them to know God, learn the statutes of the Lord, learn good behavior, and learn how to live a life with the guidance of the Lord. When the learners are rooted in the word of God at a young age, they will not depart from it as they grow up.

The author is Teacher III at Parulog Elementary School, Bacolor South District

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