Sun.Star Pampanga



“The glimpse of the future reality.” Process does not look the same as the outcome. Today’s reality does not mean tomorrow’s reality. Things can change as the world evolve. People have eyes that see but not all have vision. Meanwhile, some have vision but not all have great vision. Without vision people get distracted. Without vision people do not persevere. Without vision people do not flourish and without vision people do not thrive for a better life. The greater the vision, the greater the future. It takes time to grow. In our digital time, people often want an instant and we hate waiting. People often despise small things and rejoice in big things. We are looking up to the things that seem significan­ce because they are big but not to us teachers. Whether our students are shy type, not good at certain area of subject, often in the guidance counselor or hard headed, we see each one of them as significan­t. Gems are not easily found and discovered. There are gems within every student. Let us not be deceived by their timidity, hardness and look today. Our vision for them, help us to plan a target for them to achieve. Not all you see is all that it is. There are many things to improve, to correct and to teach because students have different attitude and personalit­ies because they came from different family background. There are students that you can plainly see the potentials but there are those you cannot perceive much because of their reality of character now. As a teacher you must ask yourself, do I have a great vision for the students entrusted to me? Character can be improved. Not because you are not excellent now, you cannot be excellent in the future. To see beyond what your sight can see is a gift. As a teacher, you must have great vision for your students. For them to see a bright future, you must first see a bright future for them. Before they see that they can, you must see that they can. Before they discover their potentials, you have to believe that they have potentials. The size of your vision determines the size of where your students can go because you will act based on that vision you see for them. Teachers, you see ordinary students now but someday those students can be keys to improve the society.



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