Sun.Star Pampanga



Mathematic­s is an essential part of human thought and logic, and integral to attempts at understand ing the world and us. Mathematic­s provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encour ages logical reasoning and mental rigor. ,n addition, mathematic­al Nnowledge plays a crucial role in understand­ing the contents of other school subjects such as science, social studies, and even music and art. Mathematic­al literacy is a crucial attribute of individual­s living more effective lives as construc tive, concerned, and reflective citi]ens. Mathematic­al literacy is taNen to include basic computatio­nal sNills, Tuantitati­ve reasoning, spatial ability, and the liNe. Together with the importance and functions of Math in our daily lives, maNe it is also fun in teaching it. There are many ways that we can maNe Math engaging and fun for our children. Try turning a lesson that may normally include a lecture and a worNsheet into an interactiv­e one. MaNe it hands on. :ho doesn¶t liNe to play games" 3rintable games or digital games are the perfect way for students to learn and have fun at the same time. There are a wide variety of game types that you can use when teaching or reviewing Math concepts. /iNewise, creating an encouragin­g environmen­t can help melt away the fear that some of our learners have about Math.


The author is Teacher ,,, at 6an 5oTue (lementary 6chool, Magalang 1orth 'istrict

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