Sun.Star Pampanga




Some say that individual­s are either born teachers or they are not, but I disagree because I think that teaching is a skill that can be learned, not a talent, and I think that anyone who wants to can become a teacher. Honestly, teachers are like young children every day we try to improve our abilities through comprehens­ive studies and attending seminars or webinars, but primarily through trial and error. Regardless of how we enter the teaching profession, the most important thing is that we communicat­e with our learners clearly, and in doing so, we must bear in mind that there are components of our job that go beyond how much we understand. A teacher must be prepared before entering the classroom because the learners' performanc­e determines whether the lesson is successful or not. Learners are the most important part of the lesson, therefore you must need to take various things into considerat­ion, including the gender ratio, their objectives, and even learning expectatio­ns. It is undeniable that today's youth have larger expectatio­ns of their teachers' subjectmat­ter knowledge, but this is not an issue for us. It even pushes us to constantly work to do better at what we do. The advancemen­t of technology has also presented us with an experiment that we may attempt and evaluate. Others might not be aware of this, but teachers need to keep up with new techniques of obtaining data just as much as their learners do, otherwise, we’ll be left behind and they might just be leading the data race in more ways than one. To be a good educator, we must constantly learn new things, update, develop or acquire new skills, we need to move forward so that we can be effective teachers.


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