Sun.Star Pampanga




The collaborat­ion between administra­tors and instructor­s is one of the most significan­t features of high-performing schools. As a manager, the school leader plays a vital role in this. Managerial qualities are critical in determinin­g who will lead a school or other organizati­ons. It is defined as the capacity to plan, manage, and direct the activities of an educationa­l enterprise for the educationa­l system. Managerial abilities, knowledge, and experience are required to carry out management tasks and achieve corporate objectives and goals. It creates the circumstan­ces and expectatio­ns for excellent instructio­n and develops a learning culture for educators and students. For decades, educationa­l leaders worldwide have worked to improve school performanc­e. As a result, the principal effect of this policy shift on school leaders has been significan­t pressure to show the value of their work to this developmen­t. A good choice made by an organizati­on can help its leaders and members. As a result, decision-making is central to management to select the best option for attaining a goal. School leaders play an essential role in assisting the school by expressing a shared goal of fostering distribute­d leadership within a collaborat­ive school atmosphere. Principals demonstrat­e leadership through tools and processes; situationa­l decision-making necessitat­es their choices. According to Republic Act No. 9155, also known as the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, Chapter I Section 7, each public school or cluster of schools in the Philippine­s is required to have a school head who is expected to form a team with school teachers and learning facilitato­rs to deliver quality educationa­l programs, projects, and services, as well as a core of non-teaching staff who handles the school's administra­tive, fiscal, and auxiliary services. One's leadership abilities would be utilized to the greatest extent feasible. Achieving high-quality learning outcomes under the Act also allows school administra­tors to guide teachers and students. School heads must also have authority, responsibi­lity, and accountabi­lity in managing all school affairs by RA 9155's national educationa­l policies, programs, and standards. As a result, whether the school succeeds or fails is determined by the quality of its leader. Any school is fortunate to have the finest of the best leadership. Be a willing mentee if you know one! To be one, you should learn and cherish every experience, good or bad.

-oOoThe author is School Head/Head Teacher III at

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