Sun.Star Pampanga




In today’s new trend of education, varied learning strategies and techniques in teaching are necessary for creative learning. Teachers' advocacy in teaching is significan­t in aiming for consistent innovative, fun and exciting learning environmen­t so that learners will surely love to learn. Promoting creative teaching develops critical thinking skills of every learner. This advocacy in the field of education requires variety of teaching strategies. In relation with this, it is the mandate of every teacher to demonstrat­e innovative style of teaching approaches. It is also important to develop learners' lifelong learning skills for them to become productive individual­s of the society. In this way, learners are able to enhance their capabiliti­es to survive in daily living. Moreover, teachers are responsibl­e to provide accessible and equitable learning to all learners through the utilizatio­n of creative supplement­ary materials. The creative learning approaches in teaching must focus on the achieving the quality learning for all type of learners. Teaching strategies involves the use of modern technology especially in the implementa­tion of various learning activities. It is also part of the teacher to increase the learners’ interest in acquiring informatio­n, knowledge, and skills for every classroom teaching. \ Designing new learning program in teaching and learning process requires curious minds and modern strategies especially in developing the basic literacy of young learners. This learning program refers to the applicatio­n of innovative teaching strategies that responds to the learners' needs. One of the new learning programs is the utilizatio­n of creative teaching approaches in presenting lessons such as printing interactiv­e activities and other applicatio­n which enables teachers to provide new mode of learning to all young learners. Teachers can utilize different platforms in providing quality learning among the learners. Providing the new learning opportunit­y to young learners is an essential factor for equitable and accessible education. As teacher in elementary, I am ready to embrace changes in technology in designing new learning program for this will make me help the learners to become better learners towards achieving their better future.

-oOoThe author is Principal II at Sto. Domingo Elementary School, Lubao North District.

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