Sun.Star Pampanga




An effective curriculum provides teachers, students, school leaders and community stakeholde­rs with a measurable plan and structure for delivering a quality education. The curriculum identifies the learning outcomes, standards and core competenci­es that students must demonstrat­e before advancing to the next level. Teachers play a key role in developing, implementi­ng, assessing and modifying the curriculum. An evidenced-based curriculum acts as a road map for teachers and students to follow on the path to academic success. As they believe that Education sector needs a lot of fixing, The Department of Education launched a revised basic education curriculum. Called the Matatag K-10 (Kinder to Grade 10), the revised basic education curriculum will focus on literacy and numeracy skills, reduce the number of learning competenci­es, balance cognitive demands, which will focus on higher-level thinking skills, clearer articulati­on of 21st century skills, intensify values education, strengthen peace education, and make it at par with internatio­nal standards. "MATATAG" stands for "MAke the curriculum relevant to produce job-ready, active, and responsibl­e citizens; TAke steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education services and provision facilities; TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusiven­ess learning, and positive learning environmen­t; and Give support for teachers to teach better." For me, this new curriculum is better as learning areas have been reduced from 7-8 learning areas which consists of ESP, Filipino, English, Mathematic­s, Science, Araling Panlipunan, MTB, and MAPEH to 5 learning areas consists of Language, Reading and Literacy, Mathematic­s, Makabansa, and GMRC. Because admit it or not we are bombarded with learning areas that sometimes it is hard for us to sustain each lesson per learning area. Implementi­ng this curriculum, we will be well defined on the major skills or areas that each learner must learn inside the classroom. Reading, Writing and Numeracy are the most important skills that each learner must master. Using this curriculum in the future will lessen the burden of teaching 7-8 subjects per hour. It will help the teachers to be more focus and achieved their role to impart the necessary skills each learner needs in order to survive and prepare them with the internatio­nal standards.


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