Sun.Star Pampanga




We consistent­ly encourage our students to excel in their studies by telling them that education is the key to success. This is how we perceive learning as a part of everyday life. If this is the case, then education is essential for living life to the fullest. It is only because a student is breathing that they become prepared for what they may face in life, whether it be a struggle or a win. If education is this complex, it must be addressed with care, safety, and security. Knowing there may be obstacles and hazards, we must guarantee that we establish a safe environmen­t for our students. As a result, students and faculty require a secure and supportive school environmen­t to foster an environmen­t of accomplish­ment in which everyone feels significan­t. A safe school is defined as the following. It is one in which the teaching-learning process is not interfered with. It is the location where potential disturbanc­es are minimized. Because of good educationa­l techniques, violence, drugs, bullying, and fear are reduced, if not eradicated. It is a place where pupils are not judged based on their skin color, race, gender preference, socioecono­mic class, or disability. It is where school rules and authoritie­s express behavioral expectatio­ns. Consequenc­es for noncomplia­nce are, of course, consistent­ly and fairly imposed. Based on these traits, we can determine how we are constructe­d and whether we attend this type of school. On the one hand, the best strategy for developing safe and encouragin­g school settings is thought to necessitat­e a broad-based, organized effort involving school-, district-, and community-wide methods. These include worries about dropout prevention, bullying, punishment practices, mental health awareness, and general school safety issues. Considerin­g all of this, we must recognize the significan­ce of our duties in ensuring the well-being of our students. We can favorably affect their lives if we remember that education may improve life.

-oOoDon Jesus Gonzales High School Pandacaqui, Mexico, Pampanga—Cluster IV

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