Sun.Star Pampanga




Sports Education plays an important role in developing a highly capable learners equipped with skills and knowledge. The Importance of Sports in Education Sport and exercise can be powerful tools in developing a healthy body and mind. this explores all the benefits to sports in education, touching the physical and mental. While many subjects at school are taught primarily in the classroom, sports and physical education provide a great opportunit­y for children to head outside, get active, and focus on developing different skills. The benefits of sports in education are vast, and they aren’t just physical benefits. This article explores how sport positively impacts students in their academic progressio­n and beyond. Fundamenta­lly, physical education can have a range of health-related benefits to anyone, and children are no different. Kids are bundles of endless energy, and physical education can be an excellent outlet for releasing some of that. As we all know, exercise is an excellent way to increase fitness levels and remain healthy. For children with limited means to exercise outside of school, their physical education class is vital to their overall health. As we detail below, this in turns feeds into every aspect of their lives. As they develop, they might also be exposed to a leadership position, such as the team captain. Decision making is key to being a good leader. Sports are an excellent channel for improving this skill, with decisions having to be made and communicat­ed regularly to other team members. In the working world, knowing how to fit into a team environmen­t is one of the first things employers will look for. As they progress, their experience leading teams will also be critical to working their way up the employment ladder.


Teacher III Mapeh/Science at Almendras Elementary School

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