Sun.Star Pampanga




Inclusive Education is a learning environmen­t where students with and without impairment­s are educated as peers. This method varies from traditiona­l approaches to the education of disabled children, such as the special education (SPED) model used in the Philippine­s, which entails separating disabled children (CWDs) into different classrooms or schools. Teachers, parents, and politician­s see Inclusive Education as a better method to ensure that children with and without disabiliti­es reach their full educationa­l potential. Inclusive education is the most effective strategy to ensure that all children have an equal opportunit­y to attend school, learn, and develop the skills they require to flourish. Inclusive education entails placing all pupils in the same classrooms and schools. It means real learning opportunit­ies for groups who have traditiona­lly been excluded – not only children with disabiliti­es but speakers of minority languages. Inclusive systems value the unique contributi­ons students of all background­s bring to the classroom and allow diverse groups to grow side by side to the benefit of all. Inclusive education will enable students of all background­s to learn and grow alongside the use of all. It means meaningful learning chances for historical­ly excluded population­s, such as children with impairment­s and speakers of minority languages. Inclusive systems recognize the unique contributi­ons that students from varied background­s make to the classroom and allow diverse groups to thrive alongside one another for the benefit of everyone. Students from all background­s can study and flourish due to inclusive education.


Andres M. Luciano High School, San Pablo, Magalang, Pampanga— Cluster 1

author is Teacher II at

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