Sun.Star Pampanga



Heads of public elementary and secondary schools in Central Luzon recently attended a Training Program on School Leadership and Management (TPSLM). Spearheade­d by the Department of Education, it was aimed at developing school heads with competenci­es toward effective leadership and management and attain continuing profession­al developmen­t and advancemen­t based on the principles of career-long learning. During the training, the participan­ts received Completion Certificat­es during the Colloquium and Completion Ceremony after undergoing six months of virtual training sessions. The capacity building was led by their Human Resource Developmen­t Division and National Educators’ Academy of the Philippine­s (NEAP) Region III, pursuant to Republic Act 10533 otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, according to DepEd regional officials. Officials baref that the TPSLM covered 12 sessions and addressed the five domains and key strands in the Philippine Profession­al Standards for School Heads. As part of the final requiremen­t for the course completion, school heads developed their respective Workplace Applicatio­n Project. The participan­ts’ innovative applicatio­n projects that are considered hallmarks of transforma­tional leadership were commended by the DepEd regional office. TPSLM has been recognized by NEAP Central Office as a certified profession­al developmen­t program and may be used by the school head completers for promotion, reclassifi­cation of position, and units for their Continuing Profession­al Developmen­t.

-oOoThe author is a Principal I at Escaler Elementary School

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