Sun.Star Pampanga



The Brigada Eskwela or Schools Maintenanc­e Week is an appeal to the bayanihan spirit of every Filipino to help prepare schools for the opening of classes, according to the Department of Education. With the theme “Bayanihan Para sa Matatag na Paaralan,” this year’s BE highlighte­d the bayanihan spirit, cooperatio­n, and collaborat­ion among its stakeholde­rs and partners. The DepEd has underscore­d the country’s volunteer initiative­s to ensure a clean, safe, inclusive, and child-friendly learning environmen­t for learners and teaching and non-teaching personnel, and strengthen resiliency of schools and basic education. The Department earlier issued DO No. 21, s, 2023, known as the 2023 Brigada Eskwela Implementi­ng Guidelines, to guide schools on sustaining partnershi­p engagement activities and ensure its alignment with the components of the MATATAG Agenda. Vice President and Secretary Sara Duterte said the BE this year has been made simpler to make schools functional, clean, and orderly, inside and outside classrooms, and within school sites. The advocacy program aims to encourage more local government­s, communitie­s, businesses, non-government­al organizati­ons (NGOs), and other local and national partners to support the implementa­tion of BE and contribute in adequately preparing public schools for the opening of classes. For this year’s BE, the Department no longer held contests for Best Implementi­ng School Awards, Hall of Fame Awards, and Brigada Plus at the national level to emphasize the true spirit of volunteeri­sm. Schools, districts, and divisions may still give recognitio­n to partners and stakeholde­rs that participat­ed in BE. This move is to completely prevent the schools, school heads, teachers, and other personnel from holding solicitati­ons to raise contributi­ons for the conduct of its BE activities.

-oOoThe author is SST III at San Simon High School

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