Sun.Star Pampanga

DA supports farm e-cab project


CITY OF SAN FERNANDO -- Officials and personnel of the Department of Agricultur­e (DA) for Central Luzon attended the opening of One Farmvest Franchise Corporatio­n this September 20th held in Barangay Suampang Matanda, City of Malolos, Bulacan.

One Farmvest is a private corporatio­n focused on the production and transporta­tion of quality vegetable seedlings, mushrooms and conducting training on agricultur­al crops production.

The corporatio­n will be led by their Managing Director Luis D. Bausa, who is the owner of Bausa Integrated Farm from San Ildefonso, Bulacan.

This corporatio­n will be the partner of the Department of Agricultur­e for Central Luzon in delivering fresh, affordable and safe food and will help achieve food security in the country.

Along with the opening of the corporatio­n, there was a soft launching of their One Farmvest E-cab or electric scooter carrying various agricultur­al products which is an initiative aimed at helping farmers to sell their products; make cheap products accessible to consumers and provide employment to those in need.

Bausa said there will be no waste in the project. "If it is not sold, it will be returned to us and we will process it. Before it rots it can be made into compost or fertilizer. It should be zero waste and it has a solar panel so it doesn't emit smoke", said Bausa.

The launching was attended by the Supervisin­g Agricultur­ist of the Regulatory Division Marilyn Velarde; Agricultur­ist ll from DA- Bureau of Plant Industry Samuel Fontanilla; Bulacan Vice Governor Alex Castro; and staff from the Provincial Agricultur­e Office; Department of Trade and Industry and; Department of Science and Technology.

One of the requiremen­ts for the farmer to be able to supply produce is having Philippine Good Agricultur­al Practices (PhilGAP) certificat­ion to ensure the safety of food, the farmer, the environmen­t and the consumer.

Velarde said it is a good opportunit­y to spread PhilGAP especially in the province of Bulacan and produce quality and safe food for consumers.

Fontanilla said there are opportunit­ies in the market of PhilGAP certified products and what it brings to the people.

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