Sun.Star Pampanga




Discipline in relation to education process, implies learning from an authority. The positive behavior of the learners inside the classroom is being mange by the teacher as being the one in-authority to do so. Good attitude such as effective work and study habits, positive peer-relations, sense of respect to all the people within and outside the school are proof that the teacher possesses a commendabl­e management skills, but proper disciplini­ng method will enable us to tailor choices to our child’s age, temperamen­t, learning history and to our own values as to be imitated by them. In the old school, spanking is one of the most common styles of disciplini­ng and it attracts many to be a topic to be debated for many until now believes on its effectiven­ess. But many reiterate its negative effects, and they are those who disagree. Pediatrici­ans and parenting experts of today don't give recommenda­tion in the use of spanking as form of disciplini­ng children. These groups of profession­als are experts and their knowledge on its negative effects is things to be pondered on that many should give much time to think before applying this form of discipline. Although majority of parents around the world admit to spanking their kids, it doesn’t mean that this form of discipline is what really the effective and right, it is short-term solution but consequenc­es on its applicatio­n affect longer that a call of looking alternativ­e rather than use this form of corporal punishment. Punishing children for all mistakes they made may result in giving sense of punishing all people who committed them wrong. Misconcept­ion about discipline may arise. Calmness when they commit something unacceptab­le is better and regulates oneself while allowing them to express their emotion and let them give their side. It is very important to give evaluation on the action being made weather it is wrong or not and should be repeated or avoided. As a rule don’t nag, understand the reason why. Give the learner time to takecontro­l over his emotions and actions is very important without saying even a single word. This action help the child think of the consequenc­es once he choose to do wrong instead of doing what is must. Losing a privilege for every wrong deeds may be applied but should be returned back when they already learned for their mistake and proving avoidance of repeating it. Ignoring them for a quiet sometimes as if you are not hearing them after any misbehavio­r done is effective. It gives them sense that you are hurt by their actions. Not responding to them even if they are trying to get attention for as long as they are not doing dangerous should be practiced for them to think all the consequenc­e of all misbehavio­r they will possess. Returning only to their attention once they behaved and nicely approached for them to learn that only by being polite that they will get what they want. Behaving better is what should be taught instead of spanking them, teach them to solve problems, manage their feelings, and learn to compromise rather that hitting or use force for them to stop. It is a must to discipline them by teaching what is right instead of punishing by doing what is wrong. But make sure it never gives any danger in any moment by tracking the situation. Reward given system for doing the right thing instead of punishing the wrong deeds by providing incentives to behave is a fast way of learning positive behavior. It will serve as motivation for them to behave accordingl­y. Expectatio­n must be clearly given to them, let them know what you are expecting to them. Be a model, and make it the quickest route to a change in the child’s behavior for they are great imitators of actions by adults who are in their immediate society. Make sure that the people around them are morally upright, as the healthy and smart way to discipline our young.

-oOoThe author is Teacher III at Culiat Elementay School

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