Sun.Star Pampanga




The past two years we’ve gone through the pandemic has created a backlog in the minds of children towards learning. These years of being locked-up in houses and not being able to go to school has caused children to lose interest in their studies. The modules given are usually being answered by parents themselves, or much worst is that, answers are just being copied from the back portion of the module. And so, there is really not much learning on the children’s part.

Now that we are back with the traditiona­l face-to-face modality, there is a lot of catching up to do. Parents have a vital role to play in bringing back the study habits of their child. This is very important in the academic developmen­t of the children.

Here are some suggestion­s which could help our children do the right thing at the right time: 1.Know your child’s interest and skills – make the children understand that their skills in different learning areas are interrelat­ed with the others.

2.Impose a schedule for study and leisure activities – children should have a fix time within the day that is devoted solely for studying and doing homework.

3.Make your home conducive – it would be better if children will study in a quiet and peaceful part of the home, far away from distractio­ns like television, music, or radio programs. A separate room may be allocated for study and homework preparatio­ns.

4.Be resourcefu­l and creative – provide the children with comparable support materials coming from what is readily available and will not cost much.

5. Supervisio­n develops friendship and self-esteem – this is an assurance for parents that their children are really doing their job. Parents can assist but they should not do the work for their children.

6.Recognize and treat children – recognizin­g even just the small effort made by the children increases their self-confidence. This can be done by giving simple treats like candies and can boost their morale.

7.Teach virtues – instill in the children’s minds that knowledge is not the power to boast, to inflict and hurt others. Let them understand that knowledge is the power to do what is right and just for self and others.

8.Consult the teacher regularly – parents who regularly communicat­e with their child’s teacher for the progress will have an easy task of instilling the study habits on them. Care and concern is felt by the children which may cause them to build self-confidence.

-oOOThe author is Teacher III at Dau Elementary School

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