Sun.Star Pampanga




We educators do have specific tasks and routines each day. Aside from the six hours of actual teaching, we are expected to perform other functions or do teacher-related tasks for 2 hours each day.

And, one of the things that is expected of us to accomplish, is our lesson plans for our next lessons. Lesson planning is still something significan­t to a teacher, even during these modern times, as it is a guide and an outline that makes a teacher more prepared for a certain lesson. No matter how experience and seasoned you are, as an educator, lesson plans serve as our weapons of knowing what to do and how to do things.

Through lesson plans, we could be more assured that the strategies that we do are suited and relevant to our learners. Once we plan, we avoid mistakes to happen as we are prepared to execute our lessons. We plan so that we would be able to teach more meaningful and systematic.

Through lesson planning, we become more confident in delivering our lessons because we strategica­lly thought of the steps well, thus, lesson delivery would be smooth.

No matter how busy we are, let us not forget that accomplish­ing our lesson plans is a must. Even if our superiors would not check for that day, it is still expected that we always have lesson plans prepared for each of the lesson that we handle.

To sum it up, as the quote says “A well-planned journey leads to a successful destinatio­n”, in teaching, it is like this: “A well-planned lesson leads to a successful accomplish­ment of our teaching objectives.”

-oOOThe author is Teacher II at San Antonio Elementary School, Bacolor South District


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