Sun.Star Pampanga




Various definition­s of teachers have always been told by many, but one of the things that would always stand out among them is that we are UNSUNG HEROES. Countless times, teaching has been called the NOBLEST profession. It may sound cliché, but still this holds true. It is because we have lots of roles that no other profession can match.

WE ARE TEACHERS OF COURSE…. We are the SECOND PARENTS of our learners. Every school year, we as if give birth to instant thirty plus children, because we treat them as our own children. We take care of them and assure that they would become better individual­s by teaching them the things that they could apply in their lives, just like how any parents would want for their own children.

WE ARE TEACHERS OF COURSE…. We can’t just dress the way we want to anywhere! We always consider the fact that people have high regards and respect for us, wherever we go, thus we always choose to wear decent clothing.

WE ARE TEACHERS OF COURSE…We think before we CLICK. Even if we have our personal lives in social media our profession is always linked with what we do. Thus, we are always careful in whatever we post because of the ethical standards that we have taken oath.

WE ARE TEACHERS OF COURSE…We are human beings too. We do have our strengths and weaknesses and do have limitation­s too. Even if we are resilient, we also have a roller coaster of emotions too. We also need to breathe and take a break. We also need to pause and ponder.

WE ARE TEACHERS OF COURSE…We always put our hearts with what we do. Because as teachers, we do not just provide knowledge. We make a difference in the lives of our learners.

-oOoThe author is Teacher II at Dolores Elementary School Bacolor

North District

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