Sun.Star Pampanga



“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards,” as Vernon Sanders Law once said. All aspects of life can be taught, but to fully understand a situation, I believe that you need to experience it first. Experience­s could be good, like helping persons who are in need, or bad like losing money on illegal gambling and losing loved ones because of accidents. The most important thing that we must take note of is the learning that we can be able to get from those experience­s. One gains from good experience and steers clear from harmful ones. Telling a child not to play with a match box, would probably have no impact on him, but once he scourges his hand with a matchstick, he will never in his lifetime play with a matchbox again. Just like in life, when we experience a gain or happiness in doing something, we do it again. But if we were harm but that experience, we tend to avoid that experience alone. Learning from personal experience­s is more lasting and valuable than reading about them from books or heard from stories. Life is one great journey of falling, making mistakes and learning and I firmly believe experience is the best teacher. We learn the value of patience and forbearanc­e when faced with different adversitie­s, courage in the face of danger and wisdom from our own mistakes. Sadly, many people learn this very lesson later in their lives. And many thought that these mistakes define who they are and don’t even try to learn from it and just sulk in a corner and never get over it. As they say, “A pencil is made with an eraser for our mistakes.” So we should be afraid to try, learn and to make mistakes. Because that is what is life all about. It’s about taking chanceson people, on experience­s, on ourselves; and when we truly learn to fully accept this, our lives can be filled with meaningful days.

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