Sun.Star Pampanga




No man is an island as they say. Everyone needs to work with people to achieve more. Even if we are competent and skilled in performing our duties, we still need to work together with others. And, in doing so, we must work WELL and have good rapport. As a team, we all have roles and functions to do. Since we have varied skills and talents, once we work together, we would all accomplish great things. In the organizati­on, we are expected to do our duties assigned, not just for compliance but for us to achieve the goals that we intend to accomplish. Of course, it would be an advantage when people in the organizati­on would be working well together. No matter how tedious the tasks are, whenever we work together harmonious­ly, then things become lighter. Yes, conflicts do sometimes arise, as there is no perfect organizati­on. With our different opinions and character there are some cases when we experience conflicts. But of course, this must not hinder our work as profession­als. We must still do our tasks, and not hamper the things that we need to accomplish just because of our conflict and difference­s. Team work is achieved by working together well even if we are of different colors. It is by means of setting aside personal feuds and putting our commitment despite the odds. Also, one vital thing in achieving team work is having a healthy communicat­ion among co workers. Whenever we would have avenues to express our ideas as well as speak up to things that matter, many great things could be achieved.


II at Bacolor Elementary School

author is Teacher

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