Tatler Philippines

Jason Quibilan


Beach holidays in Devon, rolling down sand dunes, and picnicking on the beach.

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

I used to have a recurring dream about a berry that could make me fly—that was always fun.

What’s your greatest achievemen­t?

My daughter, Isla.

What’s your signature dish?

Anything Italian—great ingredient­s and simplicity. This Manila-based lensman showcases the finest pearls in the world through his photograph­s in “Circle of Life” (p. 210).

What is your one favourite article of clothing?

Anything black. No logos.

What makes you cringe?

Fail videos.

What’s the one thing you wish you’d known when you were in your ’20s?

Nothing at all... Why spoil the surprise?

Which actor would play you in a movie?

Steve Buscemi—any role, every single time. Him, or Christophe­r Walken.

Which painting would hang in your house?

Les Demoiselle­s d’Avignon Pablo Picasso.

What’s your biggest weakness?

Complainin­g about the weather.

If you were an animal, what would you be?

I guess a black panther— extremely elegant and dangerous. by

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