Tatler Philippines

Nicco Santos



What would your last three-course meal on earth be?

First would be sanma nigiri-zushi; second, classic chicken rice; and last, I would like leche flan. Though not my favourite, I have good memories growing up eating my grandmothe­r’s leche flan.

Where do you get the most inspiratio­n?

Travel, of course. But my primary source is my staff. I love to listen. I spend a lot of time listening to and collecting their stories. Not just stories about recipes, but life stories about emotions, family, experience­s, and memories. The story can be about anything and inspire a dish. I like to know why a memory stuck with you. Why did that dish mean something to you? What is the story behind the meal? Context is everything. When I see someone cooking I care more about why they are cooking and why they are cooking that dish.

Favourite flavours or ingredient­s?

I love acidic and sour flavours with some sweetness and spice. I love to have so many layers of flavours but now I am actually trying and learning to “de-layer;” to simplify. I am trying to expose the essence of my cooking, to let the ingredient­s shine through, with less. It is hard because I am almost trying to unlearn things.

Is there a flavour or ingredient that you don’t like?

I used to hate durian, but now I like it. I used to hate anything bitter. These days, I am not avoiding anything just because I do not like it. However, I do not like cooking with caviar or truffle. Not because I don’t love to eat it—I just don’t like to cook with it. I guess it’s because I do not like to cook with expensive produce and ingredient­s because of the way I layer and fuse flavours.

Who would you most want to cook for?

Rene Redzepi. I dreamt about having him over for dinner actually.

If you weren’t a chef what would you be?

I would want to be an architect. I like to draw. I like lines. I like abstract things.

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