Tatler Philippines

Aaron Isip



What would your last three-course meal on earth be?

I would just like bangus belly with eggplant on the side and fried chicken.

How would you describe your culinary style?

My style is rooted in French technique with subtle Filipino, SEA, and Latin flavours. I don’t cook Filipino food but use our ingredient­s to develop different flavours that may stem from different cultures. I love to focus on seasonal and local produce. I am produce-driven. [While] in Paris, I used to change the menu every day. It’s challengin­g but I never write down recipes; I cook based on instinct and flavour.

Favourite and least favourite ingredient­s or flavours?

Umami! I love anything salty and briny. I also love to smoke and char things. I love acid and citrus too. I do not avoid anything. I like to try everything!

What is the most challengin­g meal you have had to prepare?

It was a summer wedding in a château in Burgundy. We had limited staff and the dinner was for almost 200 people. I did it as a gift for a friend but, wow, it was a challenge! We were in a mediaeval kitchen, and half of the stuff didn’t even work so we really had to think on our feet.

Who would you most want to cook for?

My mum. She passed away when I was seven. My dream is to have her taste my cooking.

Favourite part about being a chef?

I like having to create on the fly. I love changing menus and developing dishes after seeing what produce and spices I have at my disposal. I love to play and experiment. It is a great exercise to keep your creative juices flowing. I love the adrenaline of being at the peak of a busy service.

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