
PSG major found dead inside room


The Presidenti­al Security Group (PSG) is in mourning following the death of one of its officials.

Major Harim G. Gonzaga was found dead yesterday morning inside his quarters located at the Malacañang Park in Manila, according to PSG commander Brig. Gen. Lope Dagoy.

Dagoy, speaking to reporters in the Palace, said Gonzaga had a gunshot wound on his chest when found lifeless by his wife Sheila, also a PSG member, at 8:50 a.m. Thirty-seven-year-old Gonzaga, married and a father of two, was head of the PSG operations sec- tion

Dagoy said the incident is now being investigat­ed by the Philippine National Police.

He refused to speculate on the cause of the death of Gonzaga pending the results of the results of the investigat­ion. Initial investigat­ion showed there was no sign of foul play in the scene of the crime, he added.

“Mahirap sabihin na suicide when we don’t have the data to conclude. It could also be an accident but we leave it up to SOCO (scene of the crime operatives),” he said.

When he talked to Gonzaga’s wife, Dagoy said she claimed they had no issue but her husband mentioned about his heavy workload.

“Normal lang naman sa amin yun. Nasa PSG ka. I don’t think it’s a reason for him to take his life,” he said.

He said President Duterte was in the PSG compound, where his official residence Bahay Pagbabago, when the incident happened.

The PSG, meantime, expressed grief and condolence­s to the family and friends of Gonzaga. Dagoy assured that assistance will be extended to the family of Gonzaga.

“Presidenti­al Security Group does not want to speculate the cause of his death and will wait for the official findings of SOCO as the Command pays highest respect to he privacy of his immediate family,” the PSG statement read.

 ?? (Richard Viñas) ?? PRESIDENTI­AL Security Group (PSG) Commander Lope Dagoy talks to media following the death of Major Harim Gonzaga.
(Richard Viñas) PRESIDENTI­AL Security Group (PSG) Commander Lope Dagoy talks to media following the death of Major Harim Gonzaga.

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