
Trump: I tweet to defend myself from fake news


LONDON (Reuters) – US President Trump, who has garnered a large following on social media with rambunctio­us postings, said he sometimes tweets from bed, though he occasional­ly allows others to post his words.

Trump frequently uses Twitter to announce policy, assail his adversarie­s and to tangle with countries, including North Korea, over world affairs. The @realDonald­Trump account had 47.2 million users as of Sunday.

In an interview with Britain’s ITV channel, he appeared to appreciate the wide impact of his postings in Twitter and said that he needed social media to communicat­e with voters in the era of what he termed fake news.

“If I don’t have that form of communicat­ion I can’t defend myself,” Trump said in an interview broadcast on Sunday. “I get a lot of fake news, a lot of news that is very false or made up.”

It was a crazy situation, he said, that many people in the world waited for his tweets. He usually tweets himself, sometimes from bed.

When asked about whether he was lying in bed with his phone thinking of how to wind people up, Trump said: “Well, perhaps sometimes in bed, perhaps sometimes at breakfast or lunch or whatever, but generally speaking during the early morning, or during the evening I can do whatever, but I am very busy during the day, very long hours. I am busy.”

“I will sometimes just dictate out something really quickly and give it to one of my people to put it on,” he said.

Asked about eating burgers and drinking Coke, Trump, 71, said: “I eat fine food, really from some of the finest chefs in the world, I eat healthy food, I also have some of that food on occasion... I think I eat actually quite well.”

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