
‘Directors’ Cuts’


DOWN TO – More on Hollywood, as culled from Boze Hadleigh’s “Hollywood

Babble On,” this time “Directors’ Cuts” – directors cutting stars down to size and actors skewering directors (equal time here).

“Kim Novak was so darned serious on ‘Vertigo.’ She came up to Hitchcock and said, ‘About the next scene.

I’d like to go over it with you because I’m not sure of the reason for the motivation that I have in dealing with the problem that I have…’And Hitchcock just looked at her and said, ‘Kim, it’s only a movie!’” – JAMES STEWART

“Always I have been ahead of my times. I defied the censors. I was the first to intimate fellatio, in my film ‘Hurry Sundown’ I had Jane Fonda playing a big, sexy saxophone. She played it between Michael Caine’s legs… The critics, they tell me, were merciless. But the critics are jealous; like eunuchs, they can watch, but cannot perform.” – OTTO PREMINGER

“Dirk Bogarde is a fine actor. His problem is

breaking through his own coldness and emotional hostility to his softer, guarded emotions. I may reasonably say that he is the least friendly or outgoing actor I’ve ever worked with.” – JOSEPH LOSEY

“Now I can do to actors what directors did to me – ha ha! I’m just kidding…though I wish Mr. Hitchcock was here, doing his customary cameo bit…” – ANTHONY PERKINS,

“Psycho 111”

“At one time, David Lean favored Marlon Brando ( to star as ‘ Lawrence of Arabia’). I was against it. I didn’t want ‘Marlon of Brando.’ This was a production so big, we didn’t even require a star…Whoever we cast Lawrence, I knew he could become a star thanks to the production. Nor did I very much care if I never worked again with Peter O’Toole, whose first picture this is. (It wasn’t.) Because when you create a star, you create a monster.” – producer SAM SPIEGEL

“Cecil B. DeMille was De Phony and De Hypocrite of all time. He liked being the biggest fly on the Hollywood shit-hill” – YUL BRYNNER

 ??  ?? JANE Fonda
JANE Fonda

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