
Millionair­e mindset

- EALTH Chinkee Tan

W“perseveran­ce, is more often the result of a lifestyle of hard work, planning, and, most of all, self-discipline” – Thomas J. Stanley, The Millionair­e Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy

Did you know? According to Statista, there were only 14,000 millionair­es in the Philippine­s in 2016. That’s only 0.01 percent out of 110 million Pinoys in the entire nation!!!

If only a minor percentage reached that one million mark, how come not many Pinoys are rich? Why do we have a hard time earning our first million? It’s not because we don’t earn enough. It’s because of our wrong mindsets and behaviors

If we can change our mindset towards money and transform our behaviors into that of today’s millionair­es, we can achieve what they have too.

For those who are passionate to become one, here are five millionair­e mindset and behaviors that you can start imitating today!

1. Stop comparing with others Most people think that being a millionair­e is about having the nicest cars, most expensive luxury items, and so on.

But truth be told, not everyone who

owns expensive things are rich. In fact, many of them are in debt, because they keep comparing themselves with others.

Truly rich people are people who do not compare their belongings and lifestyle with others. Instead they remain content with what they have and choose to use their finances for more productive things, which leads to the second point.

2. Invest heavily

Instead of spending on things that depreciate over time or do not accumulate value, rich people put their money in instrument­s that appreciate over time. They invest.

On an average, you must invest at least 20 percent of your income on a regular basis. You can put your money in real estate, mutual funds, money market funds, stock market, businesses.

Make sure that you take the time to study before investing in something. And when you invest, commit to do it on a regular basis over a long period

of time.

3. Make and keep a budget

You might be thinking, “Bakit pa kailangan mag-budget ang milyonaryo? Eh, andami niya nang pera!”

It’s important that we realize that the only way to building your wealth is by tracking and measuring it. You will not become rich unless you create a plan and stick to it. In the area of your finances, your budget is your plan.

4. Make the most of your time and energy well

Millionair­es are not just good with handling their money. They are also experts in handling their energy and time.

Your most valuable resources are the time and energy you have. What do you devote your time and energy on? Are these things making you more valuable as a person?

You can devote your time and energy into a business you love, a profession you’re good at, or a skill that people find valuable. Whatever it is, use your time

and energy well.

5. Be a producer, not consumer

In Thomas Stanley’s study of the affluent, which he shares in “The Millionair­e Next Door,” he discovers that only a small fraction of the wealthy in America inherited it. Most of them produced their own wealth.

If you want to be a millionair­e, don’t sit down and wait for someone to give it. Don’t go for get-rich-quick schemes.

Produce wealth! How? By working hard and smart. The best way to wealth is to build it yourself. That way you will take ownership of it and be careful to use it wisely.


If you want to become a millionair­e, it has less to do with how much money you make. It’s what you do with your wealth, time, and energy that matters more.

Millionair­es don’t just make money, they handle it well and make it grow.

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