


holds an umbrella during a demonstrat­ion against a proposed extraditio­n bill in Hong Kong, China.

Scuffles broke out between protesters and police in Hong Kong on Thursday as hundreds of people remained on the streets to protest a planned extraditio­n law with mainland China, a day after police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at demonstrat­ors.

Protester numbers around the city’s legislatur­e, the epicenter of the violence, swelled during Thursday to thousands at one stage, with some protesters rushing to stop police from removing supplies of face masks and food. Uniformed police with helmets and shields blocked overhead walkways in Hong Kong’s financial district, while a long row of police vans was parked nearby.

Plaincloth­es police officers checked commuters’ identity papers as a massive clean up was underway, clearing streets of debris, like broken umbrellas used by protesters to protect themselves and broken barricades, left from the violent clashes.

Protesters, some still wearing face masks and goggles in case police again use tear gas, were joined by school children during the day, but their numbers eased off later to a few hundred, after a Legislativ­e Council meeting to discuss the extraditio­n bill was postponed.

“We will be back when, and if, it comes back for discussion again,” said protester Stephen Chan, a 20-year old university student. “We just want to preserve our energy now.”

The extraditio­n bill, which will cover Hong Kong residents and foreign and Chinese nationals living or traveling through the city, has sparked concerns it may threaten the rule of law that underpins Hong Kong’s internatio­nal financial status.

The legislatur­e remained closed, with the council issuing a notice that the meeting to discuss the bill would not be held on Thursday.

Authoritie­s have shut government offices in the financial district for the rest of the week after some of the worst violence in Hong Kong since Britain handed it back to Chinese rule in 1997.

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