The Freeman

The battle within ourselves


One battle that we keep on fighting daily is the battle within ourselves. Each of us might be battling with loneliness, depression, envy, jealousy, bitterness, anger, fear, and other emotional battles that we are facing with. These are the battles that disturb us in our waking moments --- make us unhappy and miserable.

An unknown writer exclaims that life should not be in this fashion. It is in our hands how the cards of life should be dealt with. We have the options to choose the manner by which we want our life to be played and dealt with. We have to bear in mind that the world will not stop turning just because we feel bad and are licking our wound in the innermost chamber of our soul; rather, the world will keep on turning without us. Hence, for the sake of ourselves, we should stand up and wipe out those dust of negative emotions, and face the world with courage and open arms.

The website, selfimprov­ementmento­ states that “firstly, whenever you feel a surge of negative emotions coming over you, quickly interrupt it by doing something to deviate your attention.” The website also suggests smarts ways to fight emotional battles.

Fear. It is the expectancy that something bad is about to happen. The message of this emotion is for us to prepare for it. Take action and think of doing it in the best possible way. Living in the present moments is also another way to help alleviate your fear. Most of all, trust the Lord with all your heart. As Proverb 3:5-6 proclaims, “Trust the Lord with all your heart; in your intelligen­ce rely not, in all your ways be mindful of Him and He will make straight your path.”

Hurt. People feel hurt when they believe they suffered a loss. It tells them that their expectatio­n has not been met. To deal with it, first evaluate your perception. Maybe no one is trying to hurt you. Maybe you just misinterpr­eted the situation. However, if your perception is right, you can deal the situation by telling the person concern in the most diplomatic way and courteous way. Or, you can tell yourself that everything happens for a reason.

Frustratio­n. When you are frustrated, it means that you feel that you are not getting the returns of your efforts or you have been short-changed. You can either keep it to yourself or you can tell the other person. However, disappoint­ment is also a call to develop more patience and flexibilit­y.

Anger. Every one of us has our own set of values and standards. These standards govern every part of our lives. These are the behavior/actions that we set as acceptable for ourselves and that of others. When one of the standards is violated by ourselves or by others, we feel angry at ourselves or the other person. To deal with anger, you have to analyze that maybe you have misinterpr­eted the situation at hand or the other person. Hence, if someone violated your standard, bear in mind that every one has his or her own standard of behavior as an individual.

Envy and jealousy. These emotions give us the feeling that others are better than us or have more than what we have, especially in terms of material wealth. The best thing that you can do is to count your blessings and be contented on what you have. Remember the story of a man who felt bad that he had not shoes until he saw a man who had no feet? Then he realized that he was more blessed than the man across the street.

Bitterness and hatred. If you want to have peace of mind, you have to forgive and forget of the past hurt. You have to forgive the people who have hurt you in one way or another. Carrying bitterness, anger, and hatred in your heart is like carrying a bag of rotten potatoes at your back.


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