The Freeman

Judge dismisses Armstrong lawsuit against USADA


AUSTIN, Texas— A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed Monday by Lance Armstrong against the US Anti-Doping Agency ( USADA) but said the seven-time Tour de France winner can refile it within 20 days.

US District Judge Sam Sparks criticized Armstrong's lawyers for the 80-page filing in tossing it out, saying it smacked of a public relations move rather than a challenge to the body that imposes doping sanctions on US athletes.

But Sparks also said that he was not ruling on the merits of the lawsuit and that the US cycling legend was welcome to present it again with modificati­ons.

He advised Armstrong's lawyers to "omit any improper argument, rhetoric, or irrelevant material" in any future filing.

Armstrong's Austinbase­d lawyer Tim Herman told the Washington Post on Monday night that the suit would be refiled by Wednesday at the latest.

"We will refile in a format that conforms to what Judge Sparks wants," Herman told the newspaper in a telephone interview.

Armstrong hopes to prevent USADA from pressing on with doping charges against him. Armstrong has until Saturday to accept sanctions or challenge USADA's charges through arbitratio­n.

Instead, Armstrong hoped to turn the entire system on its head, questionin­g USADA's jurisdicti­on and the legitimacy of its rules.

Armstrong's legal move, coming in the US cycling legend's hometown, claimed USADA procedures violate of his US constituti­onal right to a fair trial.

Armstrong, who has denied ever using performanc­e- enhancing drugs, also claims that USADA chief executive Travis T. Tygart is pursuing a personal vendetta against him.

Armstrong, who won the Tour de France from 1999 through 2006 and has since retired from cycling, could be stripped of his Tour de France triumphs and banned from the sport for life over the charges.

" It is a testament to USADA's brazenness and callous disregard for its own mission that it seeks to strip Mr. Armstrong of his life's work," Armstrong's attorneys said in the lawsuit.

Armstrong wanted Sparks to issue an injunction banning USADA from pushing its case to an arbitratio­n hearing, the next step in a process that could lead to the case being settled by the Court of Arbitratio­n for Sport.

Armstrong's lawyers called USADA's hearing procedure a " kangaroo court" and said that Armstrong would not be able to launch a proper defense against the charges under USADA rules and would face irreversib­le harm if USADA proceeds.

Tygart, in a statement, said Armstrong's lawsuit is part of a bid to hide the truth about his misdeeds.

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