The Freeman

Charity begins at home, right?


The COA report says five lawmakers gave 'pork' to themselves. So what? Isn't the government promoting the virtue of self-help?

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Those five lawmakers were only trying to keep alive an almost similar virtue that says: "Charity begins at home."

* * * As a diehard fan of Gilas Pilipinas I foresee the Nationals doing good in the FIBA World Cup in Spain next month. But a killjoy says: "Yes, if we can bring to Spain the home crowd that rooted hoarse for Gilas at the MOA."

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The "home crowd" of some 20,000 or so was the " sixth man" in the Gilas Pilipinas team. It inspired and powered the Nationals to victory. Even the Korean coach has made an observatio­n to this effect.

* * * It says here that two handsome movie actors have come out of the closet and confessed they're gay. Haha! Didn't one singer say: "Di tanang laki guwapo. Di tanang guwapo laki."

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A freelance news correspond­ent asked advice from me on what to call a person who is not white. He said he was told by a Manila magazine editor not to call an American or European who is not white "colored or black or Negro or African." He said some of the stories

‘ The COA report says five lawmakers gave 'pork' to themselves.

So what? Isn't the government promoting the virtue of self-help?’

he had filed wherein he wrote those "types of persons" were rejected.

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He said he argued with the editor over this issue and since then not a single story he had filed was accepted. I remember what the famous (or infamous?) Doroy Valencia once said to me: "Never argue with an editor, he'll always have the last say."

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The M/ V St. Thomas Aquinas was said to be 40 years old. "What ship do we have that's younger than that?" I heard a radio listener ask in reaction to a radio announcer's claim. He went on: "I think all the ships in our sea transport system are like my cellphone–recon, not brand-new."

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OVERHEARD. "Pope Francis expressed his grief for the victims and families of the M/V Thomas Aquinas sea tragedy," according to a news report. A member of a Catholic ladies organizati­on said: "Way laing lider og laing relihiyon ang mipagawas sa ilang pahasubo." Replied a Born-Again wife: " Ay sus, pakitang tawo ra na oi." Reply: "Inyong lider-lider nakahimo niana bisan pakitang tawo lang?" Another non-Catholic in the group commented: "Wa man na sa Bibliya. Basta wa sa Bibliya kontra na sa Ginoo."

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