The Freeman

Dealing with rude people

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In our journey in life we meet different kinds of people. Some are friendly, easy to deal with. While some are rude, ill- mannered, tactless, pessimisti­c and hard to deal with. Hence, Dale Carnegie once said, “When dealing with people remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with pride and prejudice, and motivated by pride and vanity.”

In dealing with rude people, it’s usually our patience and tolerance that are being tested. Like the case of an acquaintan­ce who has difficulty in dealing with the relative of her mother who lives in the same compound. This relative has a penchant for playing the radio in a loud volume early in the morning when he listens to the news. This disturbs her sleep because she is not an early riser. She approached him one morning and told him to lower the volume since almost everybody in the compound are still asleep. Instead of listening to her, this guy treated her rudely and even told her to transfer to another place. Since she didn’t want to make war with him, she just left.

The “home website” stated that rude people have the highest tendency of ruining our day. They have the ability of getting into our nerves by saying one word in a simple awful manner. We can find rude people in our family, among our friends, among our co-workers, and our neighbors. Hence, our day can be ruined if we don’t know how to handle people like these.

The “home website” also points out some effective ways in dealing rude people. Here are the following:

Ignore. Developing a habit of ignoring is very important especially when you are dealing with rude people. Rude people have the tendency of not agreeing with other people’s opinions; so don’t let him or her bother you so much.

Talk to the person who is being rude to you. Like for example in the supermarke­t, a woman behind you keeps on bumping into your shopping cart while you are busy buying groceries. The best thing for you to do is to smile at her first and let her know politely that she is actually disturbing you.

Explain. If it is a co-worker who is being rude to you, then all you have to do is simply let him or her know how you are disturb in his or her specific behavior. But do it tactfully.

Talk to your boss. If your co-worker continues being rude to you, you should talk to your boss so he would know the situation and an effective solution or remedy can be made. However, Don’t sound like a person who is whining; instead explain the situation in a very tactful manner.

Walk away. Sometimes it is better to walk away from a situation in which you are being target of rudeness. Most of the time when we get angry at a person, we tend to say something which we might regret later on. Walking away is the best thing to do.

There are things to remember when handling negative and rude people:

a. Realize that they are the ones having personalit­y problem, not you. They are they ones with so much negativity inside that it’s oozing outside.

b. Never allow anyone to rob you of your happiness. They say misery loves company. Don’t allow these black magicians to ruin your day.


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