The Freeman

The unfair Mr. Abalos


Dear Mr. Abalos, I read your article yesterday with dismay. I am Dr. Judy Y. Lao-Tan, a graduate of the Cebu Institute of Medicine in 1975. I trained in Internal Medicine in Cebu Velez General Hospital then proceeded to UP-PGH for my one year in Hepatology and 2 years in Gastroente­rology.

I came back to Cebu City to set up my practice. All these while I thought I was being patriotic only to learn from your article that we who stayed in our country are undesirabl­es.

I have seen a lot of doctors in our midst who did their calling of practicing medicine which is far and beyond what is their duty, one classic example is during the times of the earthquake last October and the typhoon Yolanda, I was extremely proud of these doctors especially when most of them were my former students.

I think you have been quite unfair in making that sweeping statement and I hope you will redress the situation.

I remain, Judy Y. Lao-Tan, M.D., F.P.C.P., F.P.S.G. Professor in Internal Medicine Department of Internal Medicine Cebu Velez General Hospital Cebu Doctors University Hospital Chong Hua Hospital Cebu City 6000

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