The Freeman

The evil that men do (and women, too)


The daily news contain many reprehensi­ble things done to innocent victims, despicable acts that defy reason and rhyme and abominable deeds of men and women that often make us wonder how in the world could all these inhumanity and bestial acts be ever done by a normal human being, We read of a policeman who entered a school premises and started shooting innocent children and teachers. We hear of women having been raped and murdered in front of their terrified children and helpless husbands, and of children less than ten years old, being ravished by some beasts of men.

We see on live TV coverage some deranged fathers who hold their young daughters and sons in hostage. We hear testimonie­s over the radio of women who were robbed and raped by drug- users who ravished them mercilessl­y right in the presence of their young children. We read cases of young pupils who were sexually molested by teachers and janitors in some remote barangay schools or in universiti­es right in the center of the metropolis. And we learn of many other reports of heinous crimes inflicted on innocent people.

We see on papers murders in broad daylight and robberies and thefts, and we read about plunder of the nation's coffers, endemic and recurrent corruption­s, of public officials whom we used to admire now behind bars. We hear of wives committing adultery and husbands ostentatio­usly parading their mistresses via tri- media. We know of public officials who cheat not only the government of its funds but also their spouses with immoral and illicit affairs. We read of priests, pastors and bishops, even papal nuncios who are incorrigib­ly pedophiles.

But the more tragic thing that happens is that we are no longer feeling scandalize­d by all these grossly inappropri­ate and immoral actuation of men and women who go to mass every Sunday, take Holy Communion regularly and even preach in prayer meetings and worship services. Many of us have learned to accept all the inhumanity of men and women as standard operating procedures. The more disturbing thing that besets us is that we as a people and as a community are gradually accepting all t hese disgusting things as part of the daily routine.

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing, when those who still have conscience opt not to stand up and question the terrible things that we all see, hear and experience daily. When good men and women choose t o remain silent and refuse t o demand rectificat­ion, they cease to be good. Silence and indifferen­ce then would mean that we are all guilty, just as guilty as or even more so than those who perpetrate the evil things that we abhor. And at the end of the day, we shall all be evaluated and will be found wanting. What a pity.

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