The Freeman



ARIES (Mar. 21-April 20) Go on business trips if at all possible. Don't hold back. You might find that coworkers will support your endeavors. TAURUS (Apr. 21-May 21) Some of the best opportunit­ies will crop up if you keep an open mind. Implement your ideas into your projects at work. Romance could develop through social activities or short trips. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) You'll be tempted to spend extravagan­tly today. Make sure that you have all the pertinent facts before taking action. You would be wise to socialize with as many people as possible. CANCER (June 22-July 22) You'll need to exercise control. Try not to be too lavish with your lover. You don't like confrontat­ions at the best of times; however, you may find them difficult to avoid. LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Your mate may want to pick a fight but if you're persistent with your affections their anger should dissipate. Don't make financial contributi­ons in order to impress others. Try not to discuss important matters with colleagues. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 23) Be diplomatic but stem when it comes to giving of yourself. Go out with friends or family. You may need to lend an ear to an old friend. LIBRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) You could easily lose your temper at work. Don't push your opinions or ideas on others. You will be able to work with fine detail today. Be prepared to meet new lovers through colleagues. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Your ability to see other people's points of view will allow you to come to reasonable agreements. Sudden romantic encounters will set your head spinning. Opportunit­ies to get ahead are evident. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) If you join intellectu­al or cultural groups, you should meet individual­s who stimulate you. You can expect the fur to fly on the home front. Be sure to keep communicat­ion open with those you live with. CAPRICORN (Dec 22.-Jan. 20) Unpredicta­ble events will disrupt your routine. You will be overly generous with children today. Do not confront situations unless you are sure you have a good understand­ing of the dilemma. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) Authority figures may be less than accommodat­ing if you have done something deceitful. Don't be too shy to promote your own interests. You have to let go of your past if you wish to get out of any sentimenta­l mood that might be hanging over your head. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You will accomplish the most in the work environmen­t today. Let your lover know what your personal intentions are. It may not be the best time to socialize with clients or colleagues today.

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