The Freeman


- Justine Therese Juntilla, Masscom Intern, Univ. of San Jose - Recoletos

"Everyday" by David Levithan

Imagine being someone who wakes up with a different body. For as long as he can remember, A's life has always been like this. A has no gender, no body of his own, and no sexuality. All he knows is that he wakes up in a stranger's body every morning and gets to live there for a day until he falls back asleep and the process repeats again.

Promising not to meddle with people's lives and tries not to form any attachment with anyone, A falls in love with Rhiannon, a girl he met while he was inside a body of a boy named Justin who happens to be her boyfriend. From then on, he starts breaking the rules one by one.

Written in A's perspectiv­e, David Levithan proposes that sometimes the true measuremen­t of love is knowing when to let go, for the other person's sake.

"The Lover's Dictionary" by David Levithan

"love, n. I'm not even going to try."

The short novel tells the story in a man and his journey with his significan­t other from the time they met to the recent test of their relationsh­ip. It is a modern day love story that attempts to put across the message that, sometimes, love is not always what it seems to be.

David Levithan tells it in a creatively unique way. "The Lover's Dictionary" is about the highs and lows of a romance. The dictionary-style entries that Levithan uses simmer with honesty, humor, wit as well as the reality about love not being all hearts, flowers and sunshine all the time.

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