The Freeman

When will this end?


Another American journalist has been beheaded by ISIS, the current scourge of the world. Once again posted on social media, the world was shown the brutality of this fanatic, terrorist group that has taken over the reigns from Al Qaeda. ISIS, or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, is a Sunni jihadist group located in the Middle East. It is a selfprocla­imed caliphate, claiming religious authority over all Muslims across the world. It wants to bring all Musliminha­bited areas of the world under its control. It has started in Iraq and Syria, and is now forcing its authority over areas like Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus, Southern Turkey and of course, Israel, all reminiscen­t of the Taliban in Afghanista­n.

What it actually is is another terrorist group trying to become the top dog of all hatred-filled Muslims all over the world. And it is not surprising that many have heeded their call. What must be pointed out is that this is mainly a Sunni group, wanting to assert its dominance over the rival Shiite Muslims also found all over the world. A sectarian war turning into global terrorism.

One difference between this group and previous Islamic militant groups is that their methods are more brutal, and visible. They want the world to see what they are capable of. Mass murders, crucifixio­ns, and beheadings, all done in public have been undertaken by ISIS, two of which were the beheading of American journalist­s and made available for viewing on the internet. For sure this is the ISIS way of taunting the US, which all militants just love to do. They know that their overtly visible brutality and barbarism will not be matched by countries of the civilized West.

The media would do well to treat the videos being released by ISIS very carefully. Showing them on primetime news all over the world only gives ISIS what it wants, and actually attains their goals. Their message of terror reaches everyone, especially those they want to rule and conquer, striking fear directly into their hearts. There should be a defining line between what the public needs to know, and what they do not. Watching a person's head literally being cut away serves no purpose but to highlight the perpetrato­r's capability to terrorize.

The US has reacted strongly to the second beheading of an American journalist. Strong, fighting words have come from the White House. Vice-President Joe Biden has stated that they "will follow ISIS to the gates of hell". I really hope so, and I hope all other countries who value freedom do the same, including us. I wouldn't count on the UN to do anything worthwhile, even if they have labeled ISIS as a terrorist organizati­on. After the treatment our peacekeepe­rs received from the UN, I wouldn't hold my breath. In fact, the Syrian rebels that attacked our soldiers in the Golan Heights buffer zone may well have been ISIS fighters. Did the UN even try to send help to a firefight that lasted seven hours?

This new terror threat needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. They have gained momentum and have accomplish­ed sowing terror in the minds of many. Their actions are nothing short of atrocious, barbaric, and selfservin­g. Once again, the world faces yet another Islamic terror group. When will this end?

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