The Freeman

Top Obama aide in Beijing to highlight vital China ties


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama's top White House national security aide yesterday landed in Beijing, signaling that ties with China remain a priority despite turmoil and tensions tearing at US foreign policy.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice is expected to meet President Xi Jinping and other senior Chinese officials in talks which come two weeks after Washington accused a Chinese fighter jet of buzzing one of its spy planes.

The talks will likely focus on key areas of contention between Washington and Beijing -including China's maritime territoria­l disputes with US allies in the region and a longrunnin­g cyber-hacking row between the two powers.

Rice will also help set the table for a one-on-one summit between Obama and Xi which is being planned to coincide with the US leader's visit to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperatio­n (APEC) summit in Beijing in November.

The Obama-Xi summit could take place in an informal setting, following up on the meeting the two leaders held in California last year. Obama and Xi could also come face-to-face at the United Nations General Assembly in New York later this month, though no meeting has been announced.

Rice's visit is intended as a signal that despite being pulled into a new conflict in the Middle East against the Islamic State and being consumed by a showdown with Russia over Ukraine, Washington remains committed to its policy of reorientin­g US power to Asia.

" The administra­tion remains committed to our rebalance to Asia, and that includes close and continuing consultati­on with top Chinese leadership directly from the White House," said Patrick Ventrell, a National Security Council spokesman.

"The reality is that there are few global problems of the 21st century that will be solved without the US and China at the table, and as such we believe it is important to maintain direct and close contact with Chinese leadership on a range of pressing issues."

Rice visits Beijing at a time when other top US foreign policy officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and the top White House counterter­rorism advisor, Lisa Monaco, are fanning out across the Middle East to build a coalition to take on IS.

The fact that Rice will be in China at the same time is intended to demonstrat­e the importance Obama attaches to ties with Beijing, a White House official said.

"In spite of all the rest that is going on, this remains a very high priority," the official said.

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