The Freeman

The perfect option with the much needed solution


He just came at the right time, bringing the much needed answers to our many questions. The nation needs a disciplina­rian, and he is proven by a long list of achievemen­ts to spare no rod in cracking the whip. The country needs a leader who will not compromise with criminals, who will not negotiate with terrorists, who will not surrender to syndicates and gangs. He will clean the streets and make sure that no one shall take lightly the force of law. He might not be the darling of human rights activists, nor has the looks of an immaculate angel vis-à-vis the Church. But when he says, there shall be peace, for sure, peace there indeed will be. That is Mayor Digong Duterte.

He does not deliver speeches like Senators Alan Peter Cayetano and Chizz Escudero. But his actions speak louder than words. When he gives his word, it will happen. He will deliver. Others need to walk their talks. But Mayor Digong just walks, and seldom talks. He does not have to filibuster like Senators Trillanes, Guingona III, or Pimentel III. He just makes things happen and not brag about them. His name has not been tainted like that of Vice President Binay. Nor is he perceived as inept like Secretary Mar Roxas. He does not claim to have the grasp of global politics like Senator Miriam, but he knows the terrain well wherever he governs and operates. He is the answer to many of that which ails our country.

He may not have a national name like many of those who claim to be well-versed in national politics. But he is a practical man with a keen sense of perception. His ears are on the ground. He can smell a rat whenever something is not in order. He is always ahead of everyone else when there is an emergency, a crisis or a disaster. He is a hands-on man who has the tendency to do it himself if and when he sees that his men cannot do it. He takes full responsibi­lity for both failures and success. But he discipline­s his people when failures can be attributed to misconduct or incompeten­ce. The buck stops where he is, unlike someone we know who scolds underlings and never accepts full command responsibi­lity.

The problem in Mindanao is very clear to him: both the facts and the needed solutions. Mindanao is his turf. Among the presidenti­ables, he is the one who knows Mindanao . Since he is from that region, his people knows him as one of the very few honest and trustworth­y leaders in town. He does not want national leaders and national agencies to take over from the tasks and responsibi­lities of the local folks. He is ardently committed to local autonomy and decentrali­zed leadership and management. Mayor Digong is a local guy with global perspectiv­es. He thinks globally but acts locally. He will bring us to federalism and parliament­ary systems.

There is no power on earth, says the sage, that is greater than a great idea whose time has come. Mayor Digong Duterte is that idea. He is the next really big thing in Philippine politics. Mark my word.No one else can beat him. The destiny has shifted from Makati to Davao. And, unless a colossal accident happens, we will see a Davaoeno in Malacañan come June 2016. He is the anointed one.

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