The Freeman

Rubber slippers


A political analyst in Manila was quoted as saying in a Tagalog tabloid: "Honesty ng kandidato di sapat." Meaning it takes more than honesty to make one a good president. Yes, especially in a country where honesty has become no big deal.

* * * The BBL won by a landslide in the House, 50-17. It was a rout. And some say it was a hands-down win for PNoy whether the antis agree with the lopsided score or not.

* * * Manila Mayor Erap Estrada is said to be planning to run again for president in 2016. Members of the masa crowd are raising their thumbs up in approval but one masa reportedly gave him a tight pinch of his nostrils... he was, my reporter said, a Quiapo latrine cleaner.

* * * There is a brand of rubber slippers that cost many times more than the common rubber slippers sold in Carbon known to locals as "esmagol." I heard that a high society figure tried to get into a posh hotel wearing the expensive branded slippers but was banned by the guards who reportedly said: "Sorry, no slippers allowed." Hehe.

* * * Read that news story about the Chinese Navy driving away a US surveillan­ce plane flying over the disputed West Philippine Sea? The Chinese Navy reportedly ordered: "This is the Chinese Navy... This is the Chinese Navy... Please go away to avoid understand­ing."

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The American plane pilots reportedly responded by saying they were flying through internatio­nal airspace. But the Chinese Navy insisted: "This is the Chinese Navy... you go!" Paet! Abugon ra man manok

* * * Reminder. Old banknotes will be demonetize­d by December 31 (it doesn't say here this year or next). SBP has advised the public to have their old banknotes changed with new ones at the banks before the demonetiza­tion deadline. Some wage earners are making fun of the SBP advice. "Di man gani kaugmaan ang liboon nakong papel sa banko," a stevedore said.

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Speaking of banknotes. A 70-year-old ex-guerilla from Negros wants to know where he could change his emergency war notes with genuine peso bills. Someone has advised him to go to the Central Bank.

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