The Freeman

Obama stays war effort despite IS advance


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama's war strategy failed to stop Islamic State jihadists from overrunnin­g Ramadi but he appears reluctant to change course despite the group's advances on the battlefiel­d.

The disastrous fall of the Iraqi city exposed the limits of Obama's policy, experts say, highlighti­ng the sectarian divisions in Iraqi society exploited by the IS group and the American president's determinat­ion to avoid another protracted military occupation.

After the Iraqi army's embarrassi­ng rout on Sunday, Obama struggled to defend his approach and insisted the collapse in Ramadi was merely a "tactical setback."

"I don't think we're losing," Obama said in an interview with The Atlantic.

Obama said the question was not whether or not to send in US ground troops but "how do we find effective partners" that can defeat the Sunni extremists in Iraq and Syria.

But, even inside his administra­tion, the result in Ramadi was seen as damaging for both the Iraqi government and the US-led coalition backing it with air strikes since late last year.

Only days after Ramadi was overrun, the jihadists also seized the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria as well as a key border crossing, undercutti­ng weeks of optimistic talk from the Pentagon that the extremists were "on the defensive."

With IS still on the move after more than 4,000 US-led air strikes in nine months in Iraq and Syria, the administra­tion was taking a "hard look" at its strategy, a top US official told reporters.

In the wake of Ramadi's capture, US officials announced that 2,000 AT4 anti-tank weapons were on the way to Iraq to help Iraqi troops counter massive car bombs.

The move was part of an effort to ramp up the arming of Iraqi troops and Sunni tribesmen.

But both at home and abroad Obama's stance has been slammed as overly cautious.

The president faces growing calls for a dramatic overhaul of a campaign which has relied on American-led air power backing up US-equipped local forces.

Some lawmakers urged a major increase in US troops, at least several thousand or more, while former senior officials called for a bolder diplomatic calculus.

Senator John McCain and other voices on the right said Obama should deploy more special forces and stage more raids similar to an operation a week ago in which US commandos killed an IS financier in eastern Syria.

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