The Freeman

Linen manufactur­er invests P40M for four new factories

- Carlo S. Lorenciana

A linen manufactur­er will invest around P40 million to build four more factories in the Philippine­s next year to answer to the growing demand for linen products in the hospitalit­y sector.

Wai Lok Fung, president of Globalinen­s Worldwide Inc., announced this week the company is adding four factories in its industrial area in Cabuyao, Laguna on top of its existing seven.

Currently, Wai said the firm's existing factories can produce about 5,000 pillows and 5,000 sets of bedsheets daily.

"Productivi­ty can't catch up with the demand," the company official said in an i nterview. "We are l ooking at increasing our production capacity."

The linen firm currently employs around 500 Filipino workers and with the plan to put up additional factories, it might generate 300 more jobs, he said.

Furthermor­e, the Chinese executive also underscore­s that the Philippine­s' hospitalit­y industry will continue to expand, noting the rise of more hotels and resorts.

The company is supplying more t han 250 hotel chains and 300 department­s stores and supermarke­ts nationwide. It is supplying some of the biggest hotels and resorts in the country.

Wai disclosed they are now looking at penetratin­g Malaysia and Singapore by October or November t his year through a product launching there. This will be the firm's first overseas venture, he said.

The linen maker is currently taking advantage of the Philippine market, banking heavily on its expanding hospitalit­y and retail sectors. —

 ?? FERDINAND EDRALIN ?? Globalinen­s Worldwide Inc. president, Wai Lok Fung (right) announced this week the company is adding four factories in its industrial area in Cabuyao, Laguna on top of its existing seven to keep up with the increasing demand.
FERDINAND EDRALIN Globalinen­s Worldwide Inc. president, Wai Lok Fung (right) announced this week the company is adding four factories in its industrial area in Cabuyao, Laguna on top of its existing seven to keep up with the increasing demand.

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