The Freeman

The mystery of God's love for us


Why does God love us so much? It makes us to wonder why. Just consider these points which I am sure are not complete. In fact, they are still very far from complete, even if we think they are already quite exhaustive and overwhelmi­ng.

First, He created us when there was no need for him to do so. More than that, He created us in his very own image and likeness, taking the risk that we can replace him ourselves.

And when finally we, in Adam and Eve, fell to that temptation of replacing God, he continues to love by sending his own son to redeem us. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlastin­g life." (Jn 3,16)

And the son assumed all our sins by dying on the cross and resurrecti­ng. There can be no greater love than this. God has done this because the Son, the second person of the Blessed Trinity, is the perfect image of God himself. And since we are the image and likeness of God, the Son has to repair that divine image of ours that has been deformed by our sin.

God in Christ continues to go through the process of redeeming us by dying and resurrecti­ng all throughout time by sending the Holy Spirit, founding the Church and the institutin­g the sacraments, especially that of the Holy Eucharist. St. Josemaria Escriva has described the Holy Eucharist as God's madness of love for us.

And the list goes on and on. It will never end. Again, why does God love us so much? We can only repeat some words of the Psalms: "What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" (8,4)

We can only wager some possible answers. One of them could be that it is precisely because we have been created in his image and likeness that God cannot leave us alone. In a way, we can say that he sees himself in us, no matter how much we deform that divine image in us.

In this regard, God is like the mother mentioned in the Book of Isaiah. "Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you." (49,15)

Besides, even in the natural plan, there is hardly any mother who will not clean her child no matter how dirty the child is. It's instinctiv­e of her to do whatever is needed to clean the child or to get him out of any predicamen­t.

That, at the very least, is how God sees and treats us. He of course does a lot more. To top it all, we should not forget that no matter how gifted and accomplish­ed we may be in our human affairs, all of us are always more helpless and clueless before God than we can be before our respective parents.

In fact, we can outsmart our parents. But with God, never. We will always be like little children to him, growing more dependent on him. Even if we appear to have gained more stature in our earthly condition, like in knowledge, power, wealth, etc., our dependence on him would still grow since we will be entering more and more into God's own mystery.

In other words, we can say that the more stature we gain in our earthly life, the more dependent on God we become. And that's simply because we would be touching on more mysteries of God.

Our attitude toward this tremendous and most mysterious love of God for us should be that of extreme gratitude and fidelity, and to love him as much as we could in return, since love is always repaid with love.

Concerning this point, it's good to remember that we should always feel very close to God because He is first of all very close to us with his love. Yes, even if we are unworthy and imperfect, God will always love us, and it's right that we always feel confident and sure of this love.

At the same time, we should never stop trying to get to know and love him more and more, because even if he is the closest being to us, he is also the farthest, since he is pure mystery to us. This latter reality about God should spur, not curb, our effort to find more ways to know, love and serve him.

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