The Freeman

Pro-people, pro-poor and pro-labor pronouncem­ents


If there is one very glaring difference between President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on the one hand, and former President Benigno Aquino III, on the other hand, it is their major policy directions and their attitude towards the masses and the common tao.

We all know that PNoy's presidency saw the country experience­d unpreceden­ted level of economic developmen­t, the fruits of that boom benefited only the rich and the powerful. It never trickled down to the poorest of the poor. On the other hand, President Duterte's pronouncem­ents were all aimed at alleviatin­g the conditions of the poor.

President Duterte condemned the slow delivery of justice by the courts, and the corruption­s of the judiciary by the rich and the powerful elite. He announced that his administra­tion shall pursue the reduction of poverty through a package of socioecono­mic reforms. To bring that about the Duterte government shall focus on macro-economic initiative­s through prudent economic programs, and pro-people projects that shall generate decent jobs with adequate labor standards and occupation­al health and safety nets.

The government shall also reform our taxation by making the tax system more progressiv­e rather than regressive, which was the direction under the PNoy administra­tion. It was the case of taxing the poor middle class and giving a lot of tax holidays and exemptions to the business moguls, taipans, and magnates. This will now be turned around to tax the rich and powerful, especially their unabated luxuries and ostentatio­us lifestyles and generate revenues for subsidy to the poor and the marginaliz­ed.

The most important, to our mind, is the policy to pour a lot of money to the developmen­t of human capital and make them more productive through affordable education, accessible health care and social welfare program. The government shall focus on job generation, not just any job like the perpetuati­on of casuals and 5-5-5 and endo under PNoy. It should be jobs that are supportive of work security and human dignity, work that nurtures the workers as human beings, not just as factors of production, providers of cheap labor and as consumers of cheap products.

President Duterte also orders the government agencies to make government transactio­ns speedy, expeditiou­s, and inexpensiv­e. All permits, clearances, and applicatio­ns should be completed in three days. Drivers licenses should be valid for five years and passports for ten years. Transport should be made speedier and more accessible. The OFWs should have a one-stop shop. There should be a universal health care for all Filipinos.All the rich and the powerful should give way to the poor, to the working class.

The time has come where the leader gives preferenti­al option for the poor. This, to me, is what matters most.

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