The Freeman

Scurrilous campaign


Several women have surfaced to make the US presidenti­al election even more scurrilous than it already is. One in particular claimed that sometime in her life, in a bar, disco, party or whatever, a man she got to know later as Donald Trump came up to her and grabbed her vagina. If the alleged incident happened to a Filipino woman, all hell would have broken loose.

The way it appears to me, based on how the woman told it to CNN, it would appear that it is perfectly all right for a man to grab the vagina of a woman for as long as he never runs for president. Based on her account, the incident did not happen yesterday. And when it did, she did not scream, yell, call out the perpetrato­r, or slap him silly.

As what she told CNN, the woman said she turned to her female friend beside her and asked if she knew who the man was. Why, that is Donald Trump, the friend told her. Oh, she replied. You know what; he put his hand up my skirt and touched my vagina. And that was it. End of story. To the listener and viewer, it was told as if it was just a most ordinary and natural story to tell.

In all the years since the incident happened, the woman did nothing about it. She did not tell anyone else except her friend immediatel­y after. And while she may not have forgotten the incident, it certainly did not seem to have become a hindrance to whatever she did with the rest of her life. And then suddenly she came out with the story.

And she sure knew how to time her grand coming out party. Like the rest of the women who suddenly surfaced with their own allegation­s of Trump's lascivious­ness, she waited until the election was only three weeks away. She

 ??  ?? did not come out early on. She did not come out when Trump declared he was running. She did not come out during the primaries. She did not come out during the Republican convention.
It is not as if she heard of Donald Trump running for president only...
did not come out early on. She did not come out when Trump declared he was running. She did not come out during the primaries. She did not come out during the Republican convention. It is not as if she heard of Donald Trump running for president only...

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