The Freeman


- Kristelle Quijote,

One of my favorite food is canned corned beef in chili garlic flavor. The appetizing aroma of salt-cured beef, drenched in such flavorful oil- to be savored until the last strand. I eat it at least two to three times a month, times 12, since there are 12 months a year, for the last 22 years. Imagine the amount of preservati­ves. Disappoint­ing truth: the human body is unable to metabolize preservati­ves. The human body is unable to metabolize toxins.

Toxins are all kinds of substances imposing threat to the human body. Unless we choose to live in a hermetical­ly isolated suit, like that of an astronaut, living a short life since without food and water. The upside is that we, humans, are designed so strategica­lly to counterbal­ance toxins. We have the natural ability to detoxify with the aid

of our trustworth­y organs. All we have to do is to choose to support our bodies through D.E.T.O.X.

D - Diet

When we speak of diet, we associate it with a certain class of food carefully curated according specificat­ions, with habit, and for most of us, with something to last only until our next beach photos.

We are so frequently absorbed by what to avoid, while forgetting to consider what to consume. Diet is often defined by designed diets such as the vegan raw diet where only plant-based foods are considered. There is also the alkaline diet, where nuts, seeds and specific uncooked vegetables are selected. The other easier option is to include food which aid detoxifica­tion, such as broccoli, lemon, garlic, mung beans, locally called monggos. All so readily available, all found in your very kitchen, or your neighbors’.

E - Exercise and Meditation

Remember when I mentioned earlier that skin detoxifies our bodies through sweating? Sweat actually carries with heavy metals we take in very minute amounts from air and water, such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury. All sounding horrific comfortabl­y hovering in our bodies, if not removed through sweating.

Meditation Although we frequently repeat that “stress is bad for you”, “stress causes chronic diseases”, we still choose to stress out and drown in work, this we blame to passion or bills. Whatever our reason, fact is not changing that stress causes elevated blood pressure, draws us to easy anger, and urges our bodies to secrete toxic stress hormones to prey on our brain. Meditation is the easy fix.

T - The right food

As we support our body’s detox process, the right food is that with low toxins. Choose organicall­y sourced food over geneticall­y modified organisms, or GMO’s, preserved and fast food. Science confirms that 10-20 percent of your energy is used up in digestion. Imagine feeding your body with complex food. Your body will require more energy for digestion leaving you with less for chores. Always consider the food your digestive system is built for. The right food, coupled with commitment and habit, is what will make up a fool-proof diet.

O - Oxygen atom with 2 Hydrogen atoms, an H2O molecule. O for Overwhelm with water.

As early as grade school, we have consistent­ly been quizzed and we managed to answer correctly that we are mostly made of water (up to 60 percent). Therefore, it is apparent that our fuel for function is water. Not booze, nor coffee, just and only water. It is also required for the production of saliva and sweat. The heavy metals we innocently took in? This is their vehicle. Drink water.

X - Xtreme temporary cleanse

For those troubled by long-term commitment, and those who want to go all the way, this is for you. More than just a fad, juice cleansing’s effect is a fact. This is specifical­ly designed targeting those overused organs to replace meals for 3-7 days. No solid intake means rest for your system, while sponging in only the best purest nutrients from precious fruits and vegetables. This is their Holy Week. You have had yours, grant them theirs.

Allow your body the rest it needs after years and years of obedience. Today, choose to sow the seed of commitment. Choose to D.E.T.O.X.

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