The Freeman

What to do with the new technologi­es?


It's a question many people are asking nowadays. Some are worried about the undeniable peripheral damage it has caused many people, especially the young. We cannot deny that forms of addiction, of wasting time, of exposing users to moral dangers, are appearing. These problems should be addressed promptly and drasticall­y.

Others are also worried that some people condemn these new technologi­es as pure, unmitigate­d evil, and so they shy away from them completely and tell others to do likewise. This position is not realistic. It's a cowardly attitude akin to the ostrich's defense of burying its head in the sand when a predator comes.

Obviously, both groups have their valid reasons which should be given due considerat­ion. But I think the main thing to do is to develop the sense and skill of using these new technologi­es properly. This to me translates into how to achieve a sober and intelligen­t use of these technologi­es.

Yes, we have to avoid plunging into these modern wonders guided only by our instincts, curiositie­s, and the intoxicati­ng fascinatio­n for novelties. This attitude has no other end than disaster. We need to discipline these elements and put them under the direction of our reason enlightene­d ultimately by faith, hope, and charity.

In practical terms, we have to see to it that we have a clear and valid reason for using these technologi­es. And ultimately, the clear and valid motive for using these technologi­es is nothing other than giving glory to God and serving others. If we are not aware of or driven by these motives, we would be pursuing things badly.

The understand­able spontaneou­s reaction of curiosity and interest once we discover and explore these technologi­es should immediatel­y be reined in. It's always worthwhile to practice some restraint and moderation in their use so as not to be dominated and led by mere blind impulses and urges. I would say that this is part of what Christ said about having to deny oneself and carry the cross if we have to follow him. (cfr. Mt 16,24)

Part of this self-restraint and moderation is to be content with what we already have unless we have good reason to explore into what we may consider as 'new territorie­s.' There's such thing as disciplini­ng and even controllin­g our unhinged curiositie­s that can lead us to unnecessar­y complicati­ons in life.

This attitude and action is never an infringeme­nt of our freedom and our rights, as some people would claim. We can also freely deny ourselves when we realize that there is a higher good that we have to be more interested in pursuing and protecting.

Freedom is never just a function of following our instincts, feelings, and ideas alone. It is essentiall­y a function of following the commandmen­ts of God who, in the first place, is the author of our freedom.

And if we follow by that rule, then our new technologi­es should be used for God's glory that is translated into loving him and loving everyone. They are not meant simply to feed our own interests.

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