The Freeman

SolGen seeks rearrest of NDF consultant­s


MANILA — Solicitor General Jose Calida yesterday instructed lawyers in his office to ask the court to cancel the bail bonds of the National Democratic Front consultant­s, as President Duterte indicated he was no longer keen on pursuing formal negotiatio­ns – even backchanne­l talks – amid continuing attacks by government forces.

The move quickly drew an angry reaction from the Communist Party of the Philippine­s, whose Informatio­n Bureau described it as a violation of two agreements earlier forged with the Philippine government, JASIG and CARHRIHL. "It is a strongman's act of bad faith aimed at bullying the NDFP to bow to his terms of surrender," the CPP Informatio­n Bureau statement said.

According to OSG Spokespers­on lawyer Erik Dy, the Solicitor General instructed the handling solicitors to ask the courts to cancel the bail bonds of the NDF consultant­s, order their arrests, and recommit them to their detention facilities.

"The conditiona­l release granted them by the courts are for the sole purpose of the formal peace negotiatio­ns. The conditions are based on the Supreme Court Resolution dated 2 August 2016, and not based on JASIG," Dy said, pertaining to an SC Resolution involving NDF leaders Saturnino Ocampo, Randall Echanis and Vicente Ladlad.

"The conditions provide that should the formal peace negotiatio­ns cease or fail, their bond shall be deemed automatica­lly cancelled," Dy added.

In its statement, the CPP Informatio­n Bureau said: "By cancelling the scheduled talks with the NDFP, GRP President Duterte is showing he no longer has need for peace negotiatio­ns with the NDFP amid waging a triple war of death and destructio­n under its USsupporte­d martial law rule."

The CPP-IB said "Duterte continues to lay the foundation­s for authoritar­ian rule under US imperialis­t tutelage. He is completely intoxicate­d with martial law powers. He is mistaken in thinking he can suppress the Filipino and Bangsamoro people and their revolution­ary forces in their resistance to the oppression and exploitati­on by the ruling oligarchy and their US imperialis­t masters."

Effectivel­y, Duterte is merely "stoking the broad masses of the Filipino and Bangsamoro people to unite, wage mass struggles and armed revolution­ary resistance."

The JASIG that the Left accuses the government of violating stands for Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees, described as "an identifica­tion system that gives protection to security consultant­s of both parties." JASIG ensures the continuity of the peace talks by assuring both parties that their negotiator­s and consultant­s can move and speak freely in relation to their role in the peace process, explained former Kabataan party-list representa­tive Mong Palatino.

On the other hand, CARHRIHL is the landmark Comprehens­ive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and Internatio­nal Humanitari­an Law signed in 1998, which recognized the need to apply human rights principles when responding to the armed conflict.

Meanwhile, NDFP peace panel chair Fidel Agcaoili expressed dismay that the government "seems so eager to terminate the peace negotiatio­ns even using the flimsiest of all excuses to cancel the backchanne­l talks."


 ??  ?? Solicitor General Jose Calida answers questions from media during a press conference in Davao City, with presidenti­al spokesman Ernesto Abella and AFP spokesman Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla. PCOO/INTERAKSYO­N.COM
Solicitor General Jose Calida answers questions from media during a press conference in Davao City, with presidenti­al spokesman Ernesto Abella and AFP spokesman Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla. PCOO/INTERAKSYO­N.COM

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